This project was initially requested for a 12-hr day shift to carry out a vessel demob/mob and davit/winch seafastenings onboard the Siem Spearfish. Growth in project activities during the work scope relied on Motive adapting resources and deploying additional manpower at short notice to ensure the vessel remained on-schedule.







Carried out during a crew changeout and under heavy COVID-19 restrictions, Motive provided a 10-crew day team comprising:

  • supervisor
  • welders
  • firewatcher
  • platers
  • NDE

During the work scope being carried out, growth in the project mobilisation activities demanded additional equipment. This resulted in Motive arranging the deployment of a night shift at very short notice to ensure the vessel could still meet high tide the following day.


Well-established vessel team available 24/7/365 to mobilise at short-notice


Our specially designed mobile welding workshop containers enable a one lift, safe and quick start to any vessel operation, saving time on port calls.

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A regular client of Motive Engineering, we received the following feedback on the completion of the mobilisation:

Many thanks Colin for your support at the Spearfish and responding so quickly to the additional welders and an additional nightshift team. Reacting to these in normal circumstances is demanding enough, but to do it in the current climate is a great achievement and greatly appreciated by all involved. Thanks to your team and yourself for all your efforts.

- Bob Taylor, Equipment & Logistics Superintendent - Subsea 7
Motive Engineering 017
Fab Team0028